Reading  -  Issue 123's Editor's Note


Issue 123's Editor's Note

Presenting a glimpse of what Issue 123 contains

Is the interior design industry merely surviving?

This question was posed to me recently and, intrigued, I decided to delve deeper into the issue.

The outcome is a collaboration with the Interior Design Confederation of Singapore in the first half of this year that examines how creatives can up their game – the feature on this offers some useful suggestions and is a must-read this issue.

In fact, in 2022, d+a will be more d than a i.e. have a stronger focus on design, while still retaining our exclusive niche as an architecture magazine.

A story that details how a new playbook that guides organisations towards embracing a design thinking mindset is representative of this direction.

On the architecture front, admire the Changshu Jinmao Sales Centre that made it onto our cover.

Designed by Aedas and located in China's Jiangsu province, it has an entrance that impresses with its blue brick courtyard walls and cascading fibre-optic water curtain.

In Malaysia, we spotlight the architecture of its universities, demonstrating how they are using design to stand out and attract students to study there.

Do also make time for the piece on how architecture can support sustainability-related financing solutions.

Banks have finally awakened to the reality that they need to help fight climate change and there is a seat at this table for designers too.

While this is not a new issue for the industry, it is nonetheless important that you make your voices heard – so that the world stands a fighting chance to not only survive but hopefully thrive too.

Preview Issue 123 hereSubscribe to d+a. 

Low Shi Ping
16 March 2022