d+a | Issue 123 • 2022
23 07-09. Projects by LAANK (left to right): Wonderlit, Violet Oon National Gallery and Waa Cow. For instance, with many people spending time at home, they are upgrading their residences and investing more in them. Consequently, the change in work habits has allowed office spaces to be reimagined to become hubs for staff to connect with each other. “In hospitality, the astute owner is upgrading now to be ready for the return of the market, but it takes courage and a war chest for all this to occur at this time,” says Shaw. “With low occupancy rates though, it is much easier to deal with the onsite construction activities.” He also cites retail as an example where interior designers can make a difference by charting its future, given the shift to e-commerce. “Is it about the experience or just a transaction-based experience?” For Tan, her optimism is reassuring, “Well-designed design solutions are now here to stay. “Our design standards at an industry level have significantly improved with human- centric design as the new norm for designers. “It’s heartening to see this purpose driving our industry and interior designers are the ones here to help.” That “A” for effort seems definitely well-deserved. CHERIN TAN, PRINCIPAL AND CREATIVE DIRECTOR, LAANK 08 09
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